Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Why don’t dogs like cats? You asked Google – here’s the answer

Every day, millions of people ask Google some of life’s most difficult questions, big and small. In this series, our writers answer some of the most common queries
 ‘Enmity is far from inevitable, given the way that dogs and cats alike learn the difference between friend and foe.’
‘Enmity is far from inevitable, given the way that dogs and cats alike learn the difference between friend and foe.’ Photograph: Getty Images/Moment Open
Dogs don’t like cats? Maybe that should be “cats don’t like dogs”, since it’s usually the cat that ends up running away (not always, there are some wimpish dogs out there). But both statements are generally true: most cats don’t seem to have much time for dogs and dogs are usually happy to chase anything that is running away, whether that happens to be a cat or a squirrel. That’s not to say that a cat and dog can’t make friends, or become part of each other’s extended “family” – but they would have to work at it. Or rather, we (their owners) would.

The phrase “fight like cat and dog” must have some truth in it. It’s certainly been in common use for more than a century, and may be much older than that. Nowadays it’s rare to see an actual cat and an actual dog engage in anything more than a brief skirmish – so how did the phrase ever become established?

Like so many aphorisms, it’s something of an anachronism. Even as recently as the 19th century, dogs and especially cats were not looked after as well as they are today. Both were allowed to roam the streets, and in considerable numbers, since there was little check on the rate at which they reproduced (apart from the grim sack/river tradition).
Competition over scarce scraps of food would have led to frequent fights. A dispute between two dogs is often resolved without actual fighting, since dogs have inherited a sophisticated set of signals from their pack-dwelling ancestor, the wolf, that enables them to signal their intention to back down if they consider their opponent too fearsome. Cats, being descended from solitary predators with little need to communicate face-to-face, lack such abilities, and are generally much more circumspect than dogs when they’re deciding whether or not to join an affray. Evolution has not provided either species with any capacity to communicate with one another, so close-combat fighting is more or less inevitable when neither is prepared to run.

Their styles of fighting are also completely different – cats prefer to use their sharp claws (kept that way by being pulled back into sheaths when not required), whereas dogs, who continually blunt their claws by using them for traction when running, persistently try to bring their teeth and powerful jaws into play. Both like to intimidate their opponent vocally, by barking (dog), yowling, hissing and spitting (cat) and growling (both). As a result, once a fight between the two has started, they are often long drawn-out, noisy affairs that can attract a lot of attention.
Mummy of a cat circa 1st century AD.
Mummy of a cat circa 1st century AD. Photograph: Alamy
So are cats and dogs natural enemies? Well, they probably were once. In terms of their relationship with mankind, cats are the interlopers. Dogs were originally domesticated by our hunter-gatherer ancestors, at least 15,000 years ago, possibly longer. Whether they were “man’s best friend” in those early days is anybody’s guess, but by the time cats came along they were playing a big part in our lives, hunting alongside us, guarding our houses, herding our flocks, even keeping us warm at night.
Cats first started hanging around our houses about 10,000 years ago, but that was pure opportunism:

at that point in (pre)history, our habit of storing food had led to the emergence of the house mouse as a serious pest. There’s little evidence for humans actually liking cats (apart from, presumably, appreciating the benefits of a mouse-free granary) for another 4,000 years, when the ancient Egyptians began to leave tangible evidence of their affection, for example, by providing elaborate burials, complete with a symbolic bowl of milk, for favoured pet cats. Prior to that, dogs would have had the upper hand for thousands of years, cared for by their owners to an extent that very few cats would have enjoyed.

No level playing field for cats, then, but what would its consequences have been? First of all, competition for edible trash might have been rather one-sided, with dogs having the upper hand when there were people about. Cats would have had to rely on their natural agility to stay out of trouble, as I witnessed when I was studying feral cats in a Turkish village. One year, the cats were everywhere, making a good living from cajoling scraps from gullible tourists (myself included). The next year, a pack of dogs was roaming the streets, and the cats seemed to have vanished – or so I thought until I was able to survey the village from high up, and saw that the cats had simply moved up on to the mainly flat roofs, and were presumably venturing down to scavenge for food at night, when the dogs were asleep.

More seriously (and skip this bit if you’re of a sensitive disposition), dogs would have presented a significant risk to kittens. Mother cats have to leave their nests to go hunting, and a starving dog is not fussy about what it eats. Cats would therefore have done their best not just to hide their kittens as securely as possible, but also to instil as much fear as possible into the neighbourhood dogs.
Thus cats and dogs carry a grim evolutionary backstory, one that even today they have not entirely shaken off. Dogs still chase cats, and given the right motivation, cats will turn and try to fight them off.
The good news is that such enmity is far from inevitable, given the way that dogs and cats alike learn the difference between friend and foe. This is part – and possibly no more than a side-effect – of the way that domestication has changed the way their brains develop. Puppy and kitten alike go through what’s called a “socialisation period”, when they learn not only who their mothers are, and how to behave towards other members of their own species, but also that humans are not to be feared. It’s only lack of (gentle) contact with people during the formative first couple of months of their lives that drives feral cats (and dogs) to develop a life-long distrust of humans.

It’s quite straightforward to hijack this process so that a dog is included in a kitten’s list of good company, and vice versa for a puppy. You’ll need a dog-friendly cat for the latter, or a cat-friendly dog for the former. Simply being around the other species, with no unpleasant consequences, during the sensitive period (4-8 weeks for kittens, 5-12 weeks for puppies) is usually enough. I’ve kept dogs and cats together all my life without there being any adverse consequences for either, and some have become best friends – I’ll never forget the sight of two kittens, brother and sister, jockeying for position to snuggle up against my labrador.

Unfortunately, once a cat has decided that it hates dogs, or a dog has come to enjoy chasing every cat it sees (ex-racing greyhounds especially), these habits are going to take a lot of very patient training to reverse.

For more information, see here
Stele depicting a fight between a dog and a cat in 510BC, from the Kerameikos necropolis in Athens, Greece. Photograph: G Nimatallah/De Agostini/Getty Images 

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