Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Lynx kittens captures on film in Blekinge

Lodjursungar i Blekinge fångade på film. Fotograf är Le Carlsson.

In February, one of our cameras caught three lynx cubs on film. We have 30 cameras in operation around the county and have received nearly 20 images  in a dozen places. The cameras are important for us to have a good knowledge of how many lynx we have. The survey will run from 1 October to the end of February. So far we have documented three family groups in the county: North Olofström, Northern Karlshamn  and Eastern Karlskrona.

All have been caught on film, but we have been able to trace 2 of the families in the snow.  The kits in the film are from the north of Kyrkhult. Photographer Le Carlsson.

For a accurate results in our inventory, it is important that the public report if a lynx or any other of the big predators are spotted. You can report via skandobs.se or phone call to our predator tracker / inspectors, which can be found on the county website.
Posted by Länsstyrelsen Blekinge län on Friday, February 12, 2016

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