- Tennessee-based veterinarian Johnny Gobble, one of three 'foundation breeders' behind the Lykoi cats, said the first litter was born in 2010
- The new breed has a patchy coat caused by incomplete hair follicles and no hair around its eyes, nose, ears and muzzle - it can eve go completely bald
- Lykoi cats behave like dog as it has 'a strong prey drive', is friendly and loyal
Halloween just a few days away animal lovers may be clamoring to dress
their pets in pint-sized costumes, however one cat breeder is offering a
frighteningly adorable felines that look like mini-werewolves all year
round. Lykoi
cats get their freaky appearance from a natural mutation in a domestic
shorthair that gives the felines werewolf features and prevents them
from growing a full coat of fur. And now the eye-catching - and spooky - appearance of the cats have seen a new trend in breeding the type.

Spook-tacular: The unique Lykoi cats have been nicknamed 'werewolf cats' for their unique appearance and dog-like behavior

Moving up: Tennessee-based Lykoi
specialist Johnny Gobble and his fellow 'foundation breeders' - his wife
Brittney and their colleague Patti Thomas, are championing the breed
after testing the cats to ensure they are healthy

Five years in the making: According to Mr Gobble, a practicing veterinarian, the first litter was born in July 2010
Lykoi specialist Johnny Gobble and his fellow 'foundation breeders' -
his wife Brittney and their colleague Patti Thomas, are championing the
breed after testing the cats to ensure they are healthy. According to Mr Gobble, a practicing veterinarian, the first litter was born in July 2010.
founding cats come from two unrelated litters,' he explained. 'The
first litter was presented to Patti as a natural occurring Sphynx
mutation. The
mother was a black domestic shorthair. Upon receiving the kittens, a
brother, sister, and their mother, she knew they were not Sphynx. This
confirmation was done with DNA testing for Devon/Sphynx gene which the
kittens did not have. The
Lykoi Cat's name was the inspiration of Patti. She said Lykoi was the
Greek word for wolf, and we all thought it was very fitting - "wolf
animal has no hair around its eyes, nose, ears and muzzle, but has a
consistently patchy coat of fur on the rest of its body.

Halloween favorite: Unsurprisingly, given the time of year, there has been a surge in interest surrounding the cats

special: Lykoi cats get their freaky appearance from a natural mutation
in a domestic shorthair that gives the felines werewolf features and
prevents them from growing a full coat of fur

Perfectly healthy: The cats have been examined by dermatologists to ensure that they don't have any skin abnormalities

They may look spooky, but Lykoi cats are said to make wonderful pets because of their good nature
at the University of Tennessee examined them for any skin
abnormalities. Biopsy samples of the skin were taken but they could find
no reason for the coat pattern. 'What
they did find is that some hair follicles lacked all the necessary
components required to create hair, which is why Lykoi lack an
undercoat,' Mr Gobble explained. 'They
also found that the follicles that were able to produce hair lacked the
proper balance of these components to maintain the hair, which is why
Lykoi do molt and can become almost completely bald from time to time.

Mysterious: 'Our cardiologist also
performed cardiac scans to look for any structural problems with the
hearts,' Mr Gobble said of the cats' unique appearance. 'In the end, we
found that the cats are healthy and the hair pattern is not from any
known disease or disorder'

Growing breed: 'It was determined that
it was indeed a true natural mutation and the Lykoi breeding program
began On September 14th, 2011 we welcomed the first kitten from a Lykoi
to Lykoi Cat breeding,' Mr Gobble explained

Perfect fit: the cats were given the name Lykoi because it means 'wolf' in Greek and therefore seemed fitting

Random roots: Mr Gobble explained that the mother of the first litter was a black domestic shorthair

Trick-or-treat: While this Lykoi has fur, some cats from the breed become almost completely bald from time to time
cardiologist also performed cardiac scans to look for any structural
problems with the hearts. In the end, we found that the cats are healthy
and the hair pattern is not from any known disease or disorder.
was determined that it was indeed a true natural mutation and the Lykoi
breeding program began On September 14th, 2011 we welcomed the first
kitten from a Lykoi to Lykoi Cat breeding.'
And while Lykoi are cats that look like werewolves, they actually act like dogs. They are described as having a 'hound dog personality' as they like to hunt around the house for whatever they can find. Like dogs, Lykoi are scent motivated and very intelligent.

Hairloss: The animal has no fur around
its eyes, nose, ears and muzzle but has a consistently patchy coat of
fur on the rest of its body

Child's best friend: The special breed
are said to initially be cautious when meeting strangers, but like most
dogs, they warm up quickly and become loyal and friendly

Loyal friends: Lykois are cats that
look like werewolves but act like dogs. They are said to have a 'hound
dog personality' because they are always hunting around the house

Always on the lookout: Mr Gobble explained on his website that Lykoi cats are always aware of everything going on around them

Too cute: Mr Gobble shares
testimonials from his happy customers on his website, and many of the
Lykoi owners wrote about how friendly and loving their family pets are
According to Mr Gobble's breeding website, they are 'aware of everything going on around them'. The
special breed are said to initially be cautious to when meeting
strangers, but like most dogs, they warm up quickly and become loyal and
can be clingy at times,' he added, 'but generally if you are too busy
to snuggle, they will take "no" as an answer and will go on and amuse
themselves... as long as they are close enough to keep an eye on you.'
On the breeder's website, some of his happy customers have written testimonials about their unique cats. 'Wilbur
is a joy to our family,' one pet owner named Barb A. said of her pet.
'At the moment, Wilbur is molting, which is very odd to see. From his
head to his shoulders he is balding and from his shoulders down, he is
furry. Very unique!'
'I recommend a wolfie for everyone!' she added.

Caped crusader: Mr Gobble noted that
these cats can become 'clingy' at times, but they typically will go an
amuse themselves if you tell them 'no'

Play date: Many of Mr Gobbler's customers said that the cats get along well with other humans - as well as other felines

Seasonal portrait: This Lykoi cat looks adorable as it poses on a small bale of hay while donning a kerchief around its neck

Not catty: While most cats can be aloof, this breed is known for being affectionate and friendly

Fascinating to watch: One pet owner
said it was interesting to watch her pet Lykoi molt, noting the process
left her cat with a 'unique look'
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