Cultural superstitions may have stigmatized black cats as being "bad luck," but not all cultures believe this. In Japan, black cats owned by single women are thought to bring many suitors. In England, they are given as a wedding present to bring good luck to the bride. In Germany, a cat's direction on the road can signify good or bad fortune. Right to left is unlucky, but left to right signifies good things ahead.
Oct. 27 was National Black Cat Day so celebrate with these dark-colored felines.

Image: Rommel/Masterfile/Corbis

Image: Ragnar Omarsson/Etsa/Corbis

Image: Radius Images/Corbis

Image: Yann Arthus-Bertrand/Corbis

Image: Mitsuaki Iwago/Minden Pictures/Corbis

Image: Masataka Komori/Aflo/Corbis

Image: Tim Bird/Corbis

Image: S. Deissner/F1 Online/Corbis

Image: Valentin Weinhäupl/Westend61/Corbis
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