Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thanksgiving cat safety tips

Holiday cat tips: Thanksgiving pet safety
A taste of turkey is fine for your cat on Thanksgiving, but many other foods associated with the holiday are not healthy for your cat. © Ksoloits | Dreamstime Stock Photos & Stock Free Images  

It’s the holiday season and time to prepare for the Thanksgiving feast. As you prepare for the big day, remember to look out for the family cat. A lot of the food and drinks that are popular for Thanksgiving can cause health issues for your cat. Here are a few Thanksgiving pet safety tips that should keep your cat happy and healthy during the big weekend.

Turkey – A little nibble of turkey is fine for your cat, but you should make sure it’s free of bones and is fully cooked. If you do give them turkey, make sure they don’t overindulge and run the risk of getting an upset stomach. Most of the other table scraps from the big feast are not a good idea for your cat.

Alcohol – If you have a cat that likes to sneak a sip of people’s drinks, make sure you keep drinks with alcohol out of their reach.

Batter with raw eggs – Raw eggs can put your cat at risk for salmonella, which could cause food poisoning.

Bread dough – When cats eat raw bread dough, body heat can cause the dough to rise in their stomach. This can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating and may require surgery.

Candy – Chocolate is toxic to cats. Any candy containing xylitol is also dangerous for cats to ingest.

Onions and garlic – Both onions and garlic are popular ingredients in some holiday dishes and both can be toxic to cats.

Raisins, grapes and macadamia nuts – All three of these items are nice additions to holiday recipes but should be kept out of reach for cats since they can be toxic.

Rich and spicy foods – Rich and spicy foods may be a great treat for you, but they are not a good option for your cat and can cause more than an upset stomach. Stick with your cat’s regular meal options.

Sage –Sage and other herbs that contain essential oils and resins can cause gastrointestinal upset if eaten in large quantities.

If you’d like to serve your cat a special meal, check out some of the healthy options at your pet specialty store. Keep in mind that too much of a new thing at once can give your cat an upset stomach. If your cat is a finicky eater, a new cat food treat may not be something she will dive into like her regular meal options.


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