By Dereck Joubert, National Geographic Big Cats Initiative
What is a ‘World Day’ after all? Who cares? Probably the better question is “Who should care?”August 10 is designated as World Lion Day, and as with other allocated “Days,” the origin of such an event is to celebrate something globally, and think about how the day, and how the individual or entity being celebrated, influences our lives. I can see a World Dhali Lama Day, or World Peace Day because it has real meaning to the way we live our lives, and our meditations on this affects the way we change course. So at first I wondered if lions actually deserve a day and whether we should really be contemplating the impact that lions have on our lives.
Take a walk in any city in the world and within a few blocks you will see a lion. London, New York, Washington, Shanghai, Helsinki, Nairobi … flags, statues, icons … lions are probably the most prolific creatures in the world if we include the symbols that represent them. So it’s shocking that hundreds of millions of icons represent a population that is now only around 20,000 real, live, living, breathing, roaring, hunting lions. A hundred years ago we think there were over a million lions.
When I was born, maybe 450,000 lions roamed these plains. Today we niggle over if there are 20,000 or 35,000 lions left and forget to look over our shoulders at history. There have never been as few lions on the planet since 3.5 million years ago, when we think that lions evolved from the early saber-toothed cats.
We evolved because of big cats, and lions were the biggest in the landscape we wanted to dominate. At some stage there was a tipping point where we developed weaponry: spear, arrows, guns, and within a short time, it was the lions that were dancing to our music, not the other way around. We were no longer shaking in our skins at every roar in the darkness. There has been a back and forth between us and lions ever since as if our destinies we are locked in combative dance, a tango, a flashing set of maneuvers to show our strength, our fitness, our metal capacity to out smart our dance partner: the fearsome lion.
I stepped into a boardroom a few years ago and was confronted by a stuffed male lion, his face set in a snarling position, eyes forever locked in anger. Because I understood what this hapless creature was doing there, I sat in the largest chair at the end of the table with the lion behind me. When the CEO arrived, he was visibly unsettled by my selection of seating, and it confirmed my little experiment that the stuffed lion that the CEO had selected, hunted, shot, imported, filled with glue and now displayed, was about sending a single message: “If I can do this to our most fearsome and ancient competitor, imagine what I can do to you in this deal, this oil company merger, to you.” While I think it’s foolish, safari hunting of lions is all about display, and it’s an understandable one if you place it in this context. No hunter wants to kill a lion and then leave it behind. It’s about showing the trophy as a measure against oneself. The dance continues.
World Lion Day happens to be on the birthday of my late brother, a famous wildlife artist who crystalized the essence of what a lion is in brush strokes and in bronze, and as I sit in the shade writing this, trying to do the same, four lions are feeding on a buffalo nearby and I wonder at the fact that with our guns and anger, our insatiable desire to dominate everything around us, that we have allowed lions to still exist at all, these giant killers tearing away at flesh nearby. It stems I think, from our capacity to be good as well as bad, selfish as well as kind, creative as well as boorish.
World Lion Day is when we celebrate that lions made us who we are.
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