Sunday, November 23, 2014

Mountain lions one step closer to Mississippi

Brian Broom, The Clarion-Ledger

Although Mississippi was once home to panthers, there have been no confirmed sightings in more than 100 years. But the recent killing of a big cat in Arkansas could indicate they intend to return.
On Nov. 8, a hunter in Bradley County shot and killed a mountain lion. It was only about 80 miles away from Greenville.

According to Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Myron Means, the cat was a healthy, 148-pound adult male measuring 7 feet, 3 inches from nose to tail and showed no signs of ever being captive. He was truly a wild animal.

While that cat is dead, Means, AGFC’s Large Carnivore Coordinator, said there are more where he came from. “I know we have documented five sightings in the last five years,” Means said. “Missouri has seen the same thing over the past 15 years. They’ve seen a gradual increase in sightings. Maybe they’re starting to establish home ranges. Maybe that’s happening in Arkansas as well.”

Breeding populations

According to Means, male mountain lions are known to wander farther than females. Much like black bears, young males tend to strike out on their own. But with a steady, though slow, increase in confirmed sightings, Means said it is just a matter of time before the females catch up. “I expect to see more sightings in the future,” Means said. “Five to 10 years down the road, we may have a breeding population. It may be two years, who knows? ... All it takes is for one female to move in. Really, at this point, it’s just a matter of time before the animals establish home ranges.”

Mississippi is in the path and has suitable habitat. The first hurdle is the state line. “He’s still got to traverse the Mississippi River, but cats do swim,” Richard Rummel, Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks’ Exotic Species Program director, said.

Even though cats can cross rivers, setting up shop in Mississippi may take a while. “I think it’s going to be years before we have a breeding population,” Rummel said. “That’s way down the line. Males and females have to show up and they have to find each other.”

Another obstacle the cats face in their journey to find new territory is man.

Fraidy cats

Means said the shooting of the Bradley County mountain lion was the first recorded killing in Arkansas since 1975. The hunter involved claimed he felt threatened and was not charged with any wrongdoing. If an animal is considered a threat to someone, a person can legally kill it, Means said.

While the hunter was not charged with wrongdoing, comments on AGFC’s Facebook page indicated some were skeptical about him actually being in any danger. “You’ve got a large carnivore with a lot of negative folklore associated with it,” Means said. “I really hope it doesn’t open a can of worms where a bunch of trigger-happy guys start shooting them. If you’re going to claim self defense, it better be a good reason.”

In Mississippi, Rummel said it better be a really good reason.
Mississippi is in the historic range of the Florida panther, which varies little from the mountain lion, as it is called in western states. But unlike its western cousin, the Florida panther is endangered and federally protected. According to Dave Onorato, a research scientist with Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission’s Florida Panther Project, there are only 100 to 180 Florida panthers.

Because we are within the panthers’ historic range, Rummel said the intentional killing of a big cat in Mississippi will be treated as the killing of an endangered species. “You can expect a visit from federal and state officials who will thoroughly investigate,” Rummel said. He also noted that the mere presence of a panther does not constitute an immediate threat.

If a panther is encountered, Rummel had some advice. “You want to avoid eye contact,” Rummel said. “Back away. Wave your arms. Wave a jacket or shirt. Whatever you do, don’t turn and run. That could trigger a predator response.”


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