Some cats are born troublemakers. Others are taught. And these 14 adorable kittens appear to be acing these lessons in mischief-making!

1. How to reach high for even the most forbidden places.


2. How to turn the litterbox into your private playground.


3. How to climb a tree with bravery and skill.

(YouTube/Mark Mckelvie)

4. How to treat human toys like your own personal castle.


5. How to move beyond petty human limits like "doors."


6. How to look extremely innocent.


7. How to clean a plate like a champion.


8. How to leap over any obstacle:


9. How to take down the curtains in style.


10. How to decorate the carpet with your glorious cat hair.


11. How to turn a chair into a jungle gym.


12. How to make anyone pay attention to you.


13. How to conquer any obstacle.

(YouTube/One Smile at a Time)

14. And finally, how to make the entire world fall in love with you, instantly.

