long, golden grasses typical of images of Africa are prevalent on the
Maasai Steppe, and fundamental to the creatures and cycles that occupy
it. The things that grow here are hardy, but depend on regular patterns
of temperature and rainfall. (Photo by African People and Wildlife
Fund/Deirdre Leowinata)
In the coming years, climate change will transform the
world in ways that we have not predicted. The king of the big cats has
already survived two major periods of change, but with humans quickly
taking over valuable grassland habitat, will they be able to survive
another? On the Maasai Steppe of Tanzania, lions have long shared the
land with herds of cattle that require the same large tracts of
grassland as they do. With a common goal, perhaps these age-old enemies
can find truce – their survival might depend on it.
The rolling sea of long, golden grasses that characterize Africa’s
savannas serve not only as representations of the unique ecosystems of
this expansive continent but also as symbols of a quietly but precisely
balanced climate. Its inhabitants, such as the thorn acacia, whose stiff
barbs threaten to impale anyone who dares to let his mind wander as he
walks, may be built to withstand both heat and jaws, but the combination
of climate change and human population growth could threaten the
resilience of the plains. The
earliest lion is thought to have lived in East Africa 5 to 1.8 million
years ago. Numbers expanded until, for a time, lions were the most
widespread terrestrial mammal on Earth, after humans. Changing climates
and human expansion have both contributed to lion decline around the
world, and are now threatening the remaining lions here on the Steppe.
(Photo by African People and Wildlife Fund/Laly Lichtenfeld)
The modern lion, the flagship species of Africa, has already survived
two global freeze-thaw cycles characterized here by rhythmic expansions
and contractions of deserts and forests that separated populations,
creating genetically different subspecies. Widespread aridity in
northern and southern Africa during these periods reduced lion
populations in these regions. Today, the estimated 32, 000 lions of the
continent are sentinels of intact ecosystems, but these areas are
undergoing huge changes.
Between 1960 and 2010, the human population of sub-Saharan Africa
increased four-fold from 229 million to 863 million and is expected to
double by 2060. In the Tarangire ecosystem of Tanzania where we work,
we may have one of the remaining lion strongholds, and we are working
very hard to ensure that it remains that way. Because our goal is to
keep lions around for the long run, and not just the next few years, we
must to take into account long-term changes, such as the potential
effects of a changing climate. Pastoralism
can contribute to important ecological processes by fertilizing the
soil and promoting nutrient cycling and vegetation growth while leaving
room for wildlife. The Maasai people have herded their cattle in lion
territory for years, but agricultural encroachment is threatening both
the Maasai grazing land and the lions, and reductions in habitat lead to
rising numbers of human-wildlife conflict incidents. (Photo by African
People and Wildlife Fund/Deirdre Leowinata)
In these semi-arid landscapes, pastoralism, if done sustainably, is a
productive use of land. It benefits the ecosystem and the wildlife that
inhabit it through grazing movements that fertilize the soil and
promote new vegetation growth. But as climates change, another creature
is showing signs of peril: the Maasai cow.
Increasingly erratic rainfall is now threatening livestock
populations with more frequent droughts, leaving many Maasai to rely
more on small stock that have lower feed requirements such as goats and
Smaller stock in larger numbers mean a faster rate of rangeland
degradation, rendering the challenging task of sustainable grazing even
greater as resources become scarce. In this part of Tanzania, current
reports predict a 1.8- to 3.6-degree increase in temperature over the
next 50 years, along with even less rainfall and a large increase in
monthly evaporation. Undoubtedly, this will lead to losses in livestock
and a discouraging economy for pastoralists. Contiguous rangelands will
become more important than ever. As
years get drier, water availability becomes unpredictable and droughts
become more frequent, affecting limited grazing land. This forces many
Maasai to become more and more dependent on small livestock such as
goats and sheep when cows are lost to starvation and thirst. (Photo by
African People and Wildlife Fund/Deirdre Leowinata)
“The paradox of pastoralism is that it needs security to protect its flexibility.” (Galvin, 2009)
A loss of water security can give families incentive to privatize
grazing land and also (somewhat counter-intuitively) to start farms to
supplement their livelihoods. In the poor soil and already uncertain
climate of the Steppe, meager stalks of corn struggle towards the sun;
want of income is quickly splitting the golden sea with stretches of
attempted cultivation. Compartmentalizing the landscape means losing
ecosystem function, connectivity and resilience, so small stochastic
events like droughts are more likely to affect larger proportions of
both livestock and wildlife, endangering the famed Maasai cattle herds
and the lions they have shared the land with for so long. The bottom
line: The pastoral/wildlife system that is crucial to the functioning of
the Maasai Steppe will collapse unless the land can be managed to
maintain the movement of both livestock and wildlife. Agriculture
is a prevalent activity here, though the soil and the weather mean low
crop success rates. With more government support for farms than for
cattle, the savannas are being plowed to make room for uncertain crops.
(Photo by African People and Wildlife Fund/Deirdre Leowinata)
The situation has resulted in a rather unusual opportunity for truce
between big cats and cows. The question now is: Can predator and prey –
who require the same habitat to survive – equally benefit from improved
rangeland management on the Maasai Steppe?
The idea might not be so absurd, given the importance of both to
rangeland inhabitants. In fact, it is a golden opportunity for
conservationists to link the future of a natural, social, and cultural
treasure to the continued existence of the Maasai’s greatest status
symbol – the ultimate example of killing two birds with one stone. But
the truth is that we are also dealing with two icons that have clashed for ages, and the quarrels may only get worse as the population grows, habitats shrink, and water becomes scarce. A
team meeting at our headquarters (Noloholo) in Tanzania, July 2013.
With officers working hard with the local communities in our four
programs of human-wildlife conflict prevention, environmental education,
rangeland management, and conservation enterprise and development, we
are doing our best to make sure the cats, the cattle, and the
pastoralists of the Steppe can stay for a long time to come. (Photo by
African People and Wildlife Fund/Deirdre Leowinata)
Our team at Noloholo might just be what these two particular animals
need. With wildlife conservation a main priority, and happiness of the
community a necessity, the lions and cattle of the Steppe are our
premiere clients. Our four main programs
are poised to tackle the still somewhat ethereal problem of climate
change with a long-term, whole-system approach to conservation. Elvis and his expert team of Big Cat Conflict officers can mediate any squabbles while our education and conservation enterprise teams help the community not only learn the best ways to manage their rangelands, but how to do so in a manner that provides environmentally-friendly opportunities for growing economically.
Like a fable of Aesop in itself, the moral “United we conquer,
divided we fall” echoes true for the inhabitants of the Steppe. Since we
already know the moral, there’s no reason this story shouldn’t have a
happy ending.
Deirdre Leowinata
started as a biologist, completing her Bachelor of Science at the
University of Ottawa in 2012 with a specialization in evolution,
ecology, and behavior. That degree ignited a passion for novel science
communication, leading to a post-graduate certificate in Environmental
Visual Communication through a joint program between Fleming College and
the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto, Canada. She fell in love with the
wilds of Africa in 2009, and now acts as the media and communications
coordinator at the African People and Wildlife Fund, based on the Maasai
Steppe in Tanzania. Find her or them on Facebook and Twitter.
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