27 March 2014
FWC biologists found the injured panther taking shelter in the brush. At the site, a veterinarian working with the Commission determined that at the very least, the cat had a badly injured right rear leg and other potentially dangerous wounds. After transporting her to a local emergency veterinary practice, doctors there determined that the panther had likely been hit by a vehicle and was not only suffering from a broken right femur, but also had rib fractures and bruises around her lungs. She was given immediate emergency surgery to repair the injury to her femur and once stable, was transported to White Oak Conservation Center in north Florida for recovery, with hopes that she would one day be returned to the wild.
The injured Florida panther recovered at a rehab facility until she could be released.
For the next 9 months, FP224 remained in rehabilitation, growing into a healthy sub-adult panther, and in February 2014 plans were begun to release her back into the wild. Through much work on the part of FWC, White Oak and others, an initial date of March 5 was planned for her release. But not surprisingly, just like most cats, FP224 had plans of her own and avoided being removed from her rehabilitation area for several days, keeping journalists, dignitaries and agency invitees hoping to attend the release on a day-to-day roller coaster ride of anticipation.
Finally, on the morning of March 10, we all received word that the release was on! By late morning we’d been sent instructions on how to find the release site, located on private lands just north of the Big Cypress National Preserve and west of the Seminole Indian Reservation, or in the minds of your average south Florida resident, “in the middle of nowhere.” However, in the minds of those of us who are passionate about the future of our precious wildlife, the release site might as well have been the middle of heaven.
So, on a beautiful late winter afternoon under a crystal-clear and brilliant blue sky, we all stood in a cow pasture surrounded by cypress and pine forests waiting for the arrival of FP224. We watched in awe as a white van pulled into an adjacent field and the crate holding FP224 was placed on the ground with the door facing the woods. In attendance were television and newspaper reporters from as far away as Key West, Naples and Miami, FWC Commissioner ‘Alligator Ron’ Bergeron, representatives of the FWC, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Defenders of Wildlife.
FP224 wasn’t happy at first, but she soon realized what the open crate meant.
The whole experience of her actual release lasted less than one minute from the moment her crate was opened until she disappeared into the woods. She actually stayed in the crate until 40 seconds had passed, which means her dash into freedom lasted roughly 15 seconds for those of us watching. But for her, those 15 seconds will hopefully lead to a long life, lots of healthy kittens, and a better future for Florida panthers in the wild, where they belong.
FP224 makes a dash for freedom!
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