Dec 07
Cats might be a “beneficial urban predator” according to Dr. John Flux and his conclusion featured prominently in the media
to have a major influence on the public debate about cats and native
wildlife. But Dr. Flux’s conclusion has relied heavily for evidence
from just one cat [1].
There are five reasons why what John’s cat dragged in is not reliable
evidence for cats being good for urban wildlife. I addressed the first
three in my previous posts: cats bring only a small and biased sample of what they actually kill, and the persistence of native species in John’s backyard might be because killed wildlife are replaced by animals recolonizing from elsewhere.
One cat
John’s conclusion also depended on his observation of one cat, where he thought there were no others – before his cat “only a few stray cats were seen” [1]. Actually, John doesn’t know the density of feral, stray and other domestic cats in his neighbourhood and their kill-rate – he didn’t measure it.
This leads to the fourth reason why John’s logic and conclusion is flawed:
4. There is never only one cat … In an urban or suburban landscape cats share habitat. Free-ranging domestic cats are our most common companion animal [2]. They live in our towns and cities in extraordinary numbers.
New Zealand is home to about 1.4 million domestic cats. Almost half (48%) of our households own an average of almost 2 cats each (1.8 per household with cats).
One in every five households own two or more cats – the highest rate of
cat ownership in the world. Only 23% of Australian, 19% of UK, and 33%
of USA households own a cat [2].
1.6 domestic cats per hectare
In New Zealand’s 25 main cities there are from 36 to 829 households per square kilometre or 188 households per km2 overall. With our high levels of cat ownership, that translates into up to 7 cats per hectare (a hectare is about one rugby football field or soccer pitch) and at least 1 cat per 3 hectares.
Overall, New Zealand’s cities average 1.6 domestic cats per hectare – an extraordinary density for an urban predator that typically ranges over about 1 to 10 hectares or up to 1.2 km from their home [3].
… and they each kill differently – Importantly, cats have idiosyncratic hunting preferences – some favour birds, others mice [4]. Some cats are lethal, others less so. Animals, like cats, are adaptable, learning creatures whose hunting preferences develop and change with experience and circumstances. Lethal cats can become harmless, and harmless cats lethal, during their lifetimes. Some will target native animals more than others.
Cats are super-dense in New Zealand’s cities. And that is without also considering the hundreds – yes hundreds – of stray cat colonies [5]
in our cities, or feral cats in and around the city that are
continually replenished with neglected domestic cats. The enormous scale
of the cat population and variation in their killing is missed by John
in reaching his conclusion.
Science measures variation in cat populations, not one cat
John recorded just one cat that he reports was the only hunter in the vicinity of his home. In the wider world, however, the landscape of our cities, towns, farms and wild places are filled with more than one cat and they are each killing differently. Given the extraordinary density of cats in NZ cities, it is possible that many neighbourhoods will have at least one catastrophic killer of native wildlife.
John was careful to write that his cat’s killing was “not necessarily representative of cats in general” but he would have more accurately said that the information from his one cat cannot possibly represent the killing by all the cats in our towns and cities. The record from one cat is not population or ecological science.
1. Flux JEC. 2007. Seventeen years of predation by one suburban cat in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 34:289-296.
2. MacKay J. 2011. Companion Animals in New Zealand. pp. 62: New Zealand Companion Animal Council Inc.
3. Metsers EM, Seddon PJ, van Heezik YM. 2010. Cat-exclusion zones in rural and urban-fringe landscapes: how large would they have to be? Wildlife Research, 37:47-56.
4. van Heezik Y, Smyth A, Adams A, Gordon J. 2010. Do domestic cats impose an unsustainable harvest on urban bird populations? Biological Conservation 2010, 143:121-130.
5. Aguilar GD, Farnworth MJ: Distribution characteristics of unmanaged cat colonies over a 20 year period in Auckland, New Zealand. Applied Geography 2013, 37:160-167.
John Flux, and the 17-year record of what his cat dragged in, featured
prominently in the media during the debate about cats and native
wildlife. But the evidence from one cat is not good enough to conclude
that cats are “a beneficial urban predator” (Source:
One cat
John’s conclusion also depended on his observation of one cat, where he thought there were no others – before his cat “only a few stray cats were seen” [1]. Actually, John doesn’t know the density of feral, stray and other domestic cats in his neighbourhood and their kill-rate – he didn’t measure it.
This leads to the fourth reason why John’s logic and conclusion is flawed:
4. There is never only one cat … In an urban or suburban landscape cats share habitat. Free-ranging domestic cats are our most common companion animal [2]. They live in our towns and cities in extraordinary numbers.
Zealanders own 1.4 million cats – the highest ownershp rate in the
world. Almost half our households have at least one cat. Our 25 largest
cities have about 1.6 cats per hectare (photo source:
1.6 domestic cats per hectare
In New Zealand’s 25 main cities there are from 36 to 829 households per square kilometre or 188 households per km2 overall. With our high levels of cat ownership, that translates into up to 7 cats per hectare (a hectare is about one rugby football field or soccer pitch) and at least 1 cat per 3 hectares.
Overall, New Zealand’s cities average 1.6 domestic cats per hectare – an extraordinary density for an urban predator that typically ranges over about 1 to 10 hectares or up to 1.2 km from their home [3].
… and they each kill differently – Importantly, cats have idiosyncratic hunting preferences – some favour birds, others mice [4]. Some cats are lethal, others less so. Animals, like cats, are adaptable, learning creatures whose hunting preferences develop and change with experience and circumstances. Lethal cats can become harmless, and harmless cats lethal, during their lifetimes. Some will target native animals more than others.
cat colonies, variously cared for and neglected, occur in their
hundreds in NZ cities in addtion to the extrordinary densities of
domestic cats (Source:
Science measures variation in cat populations, not one cat
John recorded just one cat that he reports was the only hunter in the vicinity of his home. In the wider world, however, the landscape of our cities, towns, farms and wild places are filled with more than one cat and they are each killing differently. Given the extraordinary density of cats in NZ cities, it is possible that many neighbourhoods will have at least one catastrophic killer of native wildlife.
John was careful to write that his cat’s killing was “not necessarily representative of cats in general” but he would have more accurately said that the information from his one cat cannot possibly represent the killing by all the cats in our towns and cities. The record from one cat is not population or ecological science.
1. Flux JEC. 2007. Seventeen years of predation by one suburban cat in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 34:289-296.
2. MacKay J. 2011. Companion Animals in New Zealand. pp. 62: New Zealand Companion Animal Council Inc.
3. Metsers EM, Seddon PJ, van Heezik YM. 2010. Cat-exclusion zones in rural and urban-fringe landscapes: how large would they have to be? Wildlife Research, 37:47-56.
4. van Heezik Y, Smyth A, Adams A, Gordon J. 2010. Do domestic cats impose an unsustainable harvest on urban bird populations? Biological Conservation 2010, 143:121-130.
5. Aguilar GD, Farnworth MJ: Distribution characteristics of unmanaged cat colonies over a 20 year period in Auckland, New Zealand. Applied Geography 2013, 37:160-167.
1 comment:
Not only are these demented invasive-species house-cat "animal lovers" now killing off all Big Cats in all wildlife reserves around the world:
thenational D0T ae SLASH news/uae-news/big-cat-owners-warned-to-keep-them-acres-away-from-feral-strays
And they've already made their ONE AND ONLY native cat species EXTINCT in the UK (the inventors of that TNR insanity): D0T uk SLASH environment/2012/sep/16/scottish-wildcat-extinction
"A report, produced by the Scottish Wildcat Association, reviewed 2,000 records of camera trap recordings, eyewitness reports and road kills, and concluded there may be only about 40 wildcats left in Scotland in the wild today. 'However you juggle the figures, it is hard to find anything positive,' says Steve Piper, the association's chairman. 'The overwhelming evidence is that the wildcat is going to be extinct within months.'" ... "However, it is not the loss of habitat that is causing the current cat crisis in the Cairngorms. It is the spread of the domestic cat." ... "'Essentially the Highland wildcat is being eradicated by an alien invasive species: the domestic cat.'" (report quoted from last year, they are no-doubt extinct by now)
As well as killing off all their inland River Otters in England with their cats' parasites:
wildlifeextra D0T com SLASH go/news/otter-toxoplasmosis D0T html
As well as cats' parasites killing off all rare and endangered marine mammals on all coastlines around the world (worse than any oil-spill that has ever existed or could even be imagined):
msnbc D0T msn D0T com SLASH id/43159544/ns/technology_and_science-science/t/lethal-parasites-team-kill-dolphins-seals/
environmentalhealthnews D0T org SLASH ehs/news/hawaiian-monk-seals
But now these cat-licking "animal lover" psychopaths and sociopaths are also killing off all the Mountain Lions (Cougars, Puma, Endangered Florida Panther, etc.), and all other native cat species in North America:
rapidcityjournal D0T com SLASH sports/local/feral-cats-pose-threat-to-birds-lions/article_8ec451c9-4b03-55a3-baa7-71ac577905cb D0T html
Let's thank these psychotic bible-home-schooled cat-lickers for all the fine work they do for being such fantastic "animal lovers", shall we? THEY JUST LOVE CATS SO MUCH! So caring! So thoughtful! So FULL of love for living things!
I'd love to thank them all, each with a gift of a solitary-confinement prison-cell -- FOR LIFE. Better yet, for their VAST ecological crimes and sins against all of nature and all of humanity, hanged-until-dead would be a far more fitting "gift" for them AND the whole planet.
Why haven't The National-Guard and United Nations and all police-forces on earth stepped-in with lethal means to stop them yet? As we all know now, educating them won't stop them -- trying to educate the Toxoplasma gondii brain-hijacked ineducable is a fools' game. They've all proved that, beyond any doubt left in the universe, for decades now.
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