All images by Hiroko Masuike/The New York Times
Published: August 26, 2013
A 17-pound snow leopard, born this spring at the Bronx Zoo, is now on
display, the first son of an orphaned snow leopard from Pakistan.
The cub, still unnamed, is the offspring of Leo, who was brought to the
zoo after his mother and siblings were killed in 2005 in Pakistan. Snow
leopards are tricky to breed in captivity since there is a brief window
of fertility each year. Leo’s first attempt was not successful. But
earlier this year, zoo officials paired him with Maya, a proven breeder,
and the match took.
The new cub was born on April 9; officials at the zoo wanted to make
sure that he was healthy and well adjusted before officially putting him
on display. Until now, the cub and Maya have been kept out of public
view. (In the wild, snow leopard fathers leave the scene after mating
and play no role in rearing their young; so Leo, who weighs 83 pounds,
is in a separate enclosure in the same exhibit, Himalayan Highlands.)
On Friday, ignoring a reporter, the cub tumbled over a rocky
outcropping, playfully stalked his 66-pound mother and rubbed his face
against a log. The cub is still nursing, but he has started eating solid
food, primarily raw chicken.
“We let the mother do all the work,” said Lacy Martin, a senior wild
animal keeper. “She’s doing an excellent job, so there’s no reason to
interfere. He’s gotten much more brave and has a lot of spunk.”
Nadeem Hotiana, the press attaché at the Pakistani embassy in
Washington, said in a telephone interview that the country had decided
to send Leo to the Bronx Zoo because Pakistan lacked an “appropriate
facility” to care for the orphaned cub.
The Bronx Zoo is the acknowledged leader in snow leopard care and
husbandry. In 1903, it was the first zoo in North America to exhibit
snow leopards. Since then the zoo has bred more than 70 of them. They
are among the planet’s most endangered large cats, with a range limited
to the remote mountains of Central Asia and parts of Bhutan, China,
India, Mongolia and Russia. The Bronx Zoo now has 10 snow leopards in
its collection, a sizable fraction of the total of 137 snow leopards in
accredited zoos in North America.
The cub’s birth is part of the Species Survival Plan, a cooperative
breeding program meant to maintain genetic diversity and demographic
stability in zoo populations of threatened and endangered animals.
Patrick Thomas, the zoo’s general curator and associate director, said
the birth represented a “significant boost to the genetics” of the snow
leopard program.
In the wild, snow leopard cubs stay with their mothers for about two
years. “Right now that cub’s whole world revolves around its mother,”
said Dr. Thomas, who was part of the team that traveled to retrieve Leo
from the Naltar Valley in Pakistan in 2006. “He relies on her for food
and companionship.”
In Pakistan, the Wildlife Conservation Society, which runs the zoo, has
worked with local officials on a number of conservation efforts,
training more than 100 rangers to monitor snow leopards and other
wildlife and to stop deforestation and poaching.
“While Leo is on loan to the Bronx Zoo, we hope that his presence in the
United States and ongoing bilateral cooperation on conservation efforts
will help deepen the links between the people of Pakistan and the
United States,” Richard G. Olson, the United States ambassador to
Pakistan, said in a statement.
Dr. Asad M. Khan, Pakistan’s chargé d’affaires in Washington, also
issued a statement: “It’s heartening to learn that Leo had his own cub, a
male, this summer. Leo has served as a symbol of deep friendship and
abiding good will between our two countries.”
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